2017年9月8日 星期五

兒童語言治療介入策略: Responsivity Education/Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching:goals and procedures

P.S.linguistic mapping means putting the child’s message into expressive output.

Early Effects of Responsivity Education/Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching for Children With Developmental Delays and Their Parents

Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research Vol. 49 526–547 June 2006 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 1092-4388/06/4903-0526
http://vkc.mc.vanderbilt.edu/yoder/pdfs/fey-m-warren-s-brady-n-.pdf   (free download)

key point of  the paper:
RE/PMT only positively affected the use of requests among children who did not have Down syndrome (DS).children with DS often are reluctant to persist in the completion of a task under circumstances in which they are challenged or not immediately successful. These children may have shifted their attention from their original objects and events of interest and desire when challenged by adult prompts for a complex requestive act.

PMT, targets include nonverbal communication attempts that use combinations of
(a)gestures, (b) vocalizations, and (c) eye gazing that shifts from referents of interest to a communication partner. Clinicians responded to these targets in ways consistent with the perceived intent of the child.

the procedures were applied in a hierarchical fashion. Those techniques presented first 
require the most sophisticated child responses. If a child failed to respond to a higher order procedure, the clinician dropped to a lower level technique, providing a more explicit prompt to elicit a response from the child, whenever it was still meaningful and appropriate to dose.

