2018年4月27日 星期五


Treatment Approaches: Preschool Children Who Stutter 
treatment approach (治療的取向:針對"家長及孩子"的策略)
   -parent-focused strategies
   -child-focused strategies 

goals of treatment (治療的目標)
   -eliminate, greatly reduce stuttering (減少口吃行為)
   -help children manage their stuttering (幫助孩子控制口吃)
   -not develop negative emotional reactions related to their stuttering (不讓孩子對口吃發展負面情緒)
Indirect 間接治療
 counseling families about how to make changes in their own speech and how to make changes in 
 their child's environment. 
   -reducing communication rate
   -using indirect prompts rather than direct questions
   -recasting/rephrasing to model fluent speech
   自己溝通速度. 使用間接地暗示而不是用直接的問題回應.重新示範如何流暢的說話
Direct 直接治療
 changing the child's speech in order to facilitate fluency
  -speech modification and stuttering modification strategies :
 -reduce disfluency rate, physical tension, and secondary behaviors
 -children's communication attitudes
Operant 操作治療
  The principles of operant conditioning and uses a response contingency to reinforce the child   
  for fluent speech and redirect disfluent speech.

Treatment Approaches: School-Age Children and Adolescents Who Stutter
goals of treatment
  -increasing fluency (增加流暢性)
  -increasing acceptance of stuttering and of being a person who stutters
  -reducing secondary behaviors, minimizing avoidance, improving communication skills
  -increasing self-confidence, managing bullying effectively, and ultimately, minimizing the
   adverse impact of stuttering on the child's life 
   For example: desensitization exercises and by educating the child's peers about.
依據ICF: Strategies For Reducing Impairment In Body Function
Speech Modification Strategies (fluency shaping) 
the aim to make changes to the timing and tension of speech production or that alter the timing of pauses between syllables and words. 原理在於改變言語產生的時間點及張力或是轉變音節和字詞間的暫停之時間
  • rate control速度控制
  • continuous phonation 連續發聲
  • prolonged syllables, 拉長音節
  • easy onset,輕鬆起始
  • light articulatory contact. 輕輕地構音

Stuttering Modification Strategies (Reducing Physical Tension/Struggle)
Aim to reduce associated physical tension and struggle by helping children to identify core stuttering behaviors, recognize physical concomitant behaviors, locate the point of physical tension and struggle during moments of disfluency, and ultimately reduce that physical tension.
協助孩子去辨識口吃行為, 生理伴隨行為,當口吃發生時找出生體的張力所在以減少生理性張力.幫助孩子學習言語機轉及如何控制流暢及不流暢言語讓孩子能修正增加自我覺察及自我監控技巧, 以幫助孩子減少不流暢的干擾. 也讓孩子能更進一步處理減少張力及干擾溝通的情形.其治療策略包含:
-preparatory set
  策略的選擇依據個案什麼時候"抓到"不流暢, :發生不流暢的當下或是在發生不流暢前
所有策略的運用需考量在不同的階層性的說話情境, 包含語言層面及環境中壓力的層級
Increasing Speech Efficiency (Reducing Word Avoidance)
Some children develop speech habits to escape or avoid moments of overt stuttering, such as changing words or using interjections (e.g., "um," "uh") and may become so skilled at hiding stuttering that their speech appears to be fluent.
有些兒童會發展自己的言語習慣: 逃避口吃 如改變字詞或是只用插入音.以隱藏它們的口吃情形讓言語呈現流暢.這逃避的代價可能是很大的.因為會影響他們真正想說的內容.
Strategies For Reducing Negative Reactions減少負向行為:
1.Desensitization 減敏感
Desensitization strategies help speakers systematically desensitize themselves to their fears about speaking and stuttering by facing those fears in structured, supportive environments. One example of a desensitization activity is the use of voluntary stuttering (“pseudostuttering”) in different situations where the client might fear the occurrence of real moments of stuttering .
有系統性的減低口吃者對於說話和口吃的恐懼..  :假裝口吃行為,在不同的情境中練習
 2.Cognitive Restructuring 認知重建
Cognitive restructuring is designed to help speakers change the way they think about themselves and their speaking situations
 3.Self-Disclosure 自我披露
Self-disclosure involves communicating to others information that reveals one's identity as a person who stutters.
向他人溝通說明口吃者相關的訊息,:談論什麼是口吃,口吃的治療,口吃的症狀,如何回應口吃者. 如果是學齡兒童可以藉由老師或語言治療師於班上說明口吃相關的訊息.
4. Support 支持
Support (both giving and receiving) can be valuable for improving attitudes, boosting self-confidence, and reducing feelings of isolation
支持可以改變態度,建立自我信心及減少孤立感. 在治療取向中可以提供在安全情境學習策略然後逐漸類化該技巧.可於團體治療建立支持活動.或是參與自助團體(:FRIENDS-The National Association of Young People Who Stutter, the National Stuttering Association (NSA)),提供口吃者及家屬相關的支持團隊也是臨床重要的一環.
依據ICF, Strategies For Reducing Activity Limitations And Participation Restrictions:
Generalization Activities
Need to consider the individual's profile prior to developing generalization activities.
assignments adhere to a hierarchy of linguistic skills and environmental stressors. 
Accommodations At School and In the Community
 -using audio/video recording,
 -increasing the time provided for an oral reading or presentation
 -providing an alternative assignment to oral reading
 -altering the size of the group or audience.

